Innovative quick recipes for dried persimmons (Add photos)
In my blog last December, I wrote about how I had started making dried persimmons under the eaves of my house.
Simple method to make astringent persimmons sweet
I've been expecting for dried persimmons, but finally it didn't work well, and the persimmons just became smaller without changing into sweet, dried persimmons, so it fell short of expectations.
I remembered the experienced farmer living in the neighborhood of my hometown shipped the dried persimmons manufactured by him to the farmer’s market at this time of the year. So, I just came up with buying some at the nearby farmer’s market. Following photo shows the dried persimmons I purchased at the market.
Why was it not going well? I think I had started to make dried persimmons in October in previous years, but in this season, I started in December. It became very cool, sometimes it snowed. I suppose that is the one of the reasons why it's not going well.
I happened to see the picture displayed at the sales counter which showed how he manufactured the dried persimmons at his farm. Peeled persimmons were hanging in a vinyl greenhouse. A vinyl greenhouse might be better for making dried persimmons during such a cold season.
I’ll show two innovative quick recipes for dried persimmons that I devised. If put in the extra effort when cooking, it offers a distinctive take on the taste. It’s obvious but the easiest way is to eat directly. Although there are many recipes to cook a dried persimmon, a well-known easy recipe to cook it is to slice it vertically, and to sandwich sliced butter between them, then cut the persimmon like below photo. Instead of sliced butter, we can paste cream cheese.
Although above recipe makes a good wine snack, but me personally, I'm not in the mood to eat in such a way, because I am limiting high-calorie foods like butter.
So, I came up with two innovative quick recipes for dried persimmons.
(1) Dried persimmon sliced into rounds and topped with boysenberries that I had frozen since last summer
(2) Dried persimmon cut into two halves with a dried sliced sweet potato sandwiched between them
In (1), when you take a bite, the cold and sour boysenberries and the dried persimmon will harmonize well together. The frost on the frozen boysenberries and the white powder (sugar coming out from inside) on the surface of the dried persimmon go well together in appearance.
This is a trial product of dried persimmons with dried sweet potatoes sandwiched.
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