Chocolate tube slime flourishing on a decayed log

 Actually, I took following photos about one month ago, on June 26th, when I found chocolate tube slime (scientific name: Stemonitis splendens) occurring in clusters on a tattered decayed log laid in the woods where I usually walk around to observe Myxomycetes and Mushroom.

 As a matter of fact, this Myxomycetes had flourished all over on this same decayed log last year.

 But it has been one year since the previous occurrence of this Myxomycetes, it seems that this log decayed further considerably, so I thought the Myxomycetes wouldn't emerge this year.

 By the way, when I looked at this decayed log about a month later by chance, on July 23, it was somehow torn to pieces. (next photo)

 Perhaps a wild boar thought there might be an earthworm or something in the decayed log and destroyed it. If this happens, I think it will be impossible to expect the Myxomycetes next year.

Additional information: Today I looked around the decayed log and noticed that it was another dead tree near by fallen on that decayed log that caused the collapse of the decayed log. July 25th.
