Three Ascomycetes fungi and my impressions
The weather is so nice today, so I went for a stroll to the usual woods. I found a few Ascomycetes fungi when I was walking along the forest road. I'll show them in descending order in size.
(1) This is a popular fungus, known as Morel in English. Morilles (its French name) is also known as a luxury ingredient in French cuisine. We call it Amigasa-take in Japanese. Amigasa is an old-fashioned hat woven from the stems of rushes, rice straw and is still used today.
Since the head has many dents and exhibits a brownish tone, it is thought this characteristic resembles a deep woven hat used in the Edo-period. Although I don't think it looks like it.

(2) This looks like a coral erupting from a dead branch. I think this is probably an anamorph of Xylaria polymorha. In the case of Ascomycetes, the shape of the anamorph usually doesn't look like that of the teleomorph at all.

It looks creepy when it is magnified. When I hit the branch a little, something like spores began to float in the air. Although, no photo of that moment were available.

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