Just like “Le Mont Saint-Michel” appears.

 It was a sunny day today, so I went cycling along the shore road of Lake Biwa, the largest lake in Japan.

Okunusu, a small island located a little far away from the lake shore near the Kohoku Wild birds Center in the northern part of Nagahama City, of course cannot be reached by walk. But due to the significant drop in the water level of Lake Biwa, it has become connected to the shore since last month.

This phenomenon has been making waves on social media for a while now. Simply because the situation is similar to “famous French abbey, Mont Saint Michel”. 

I think it is too much exaggerated. This island wouldn't be compared to Mont Saint Michel, the eminent world heritage sites in France. 

The left end is a small island connected to the shore at present.

You can walk to the island like this. Some places are muddy.

If people would walk around the island, the wild birds that have settled on this island would flee away, so the Wild Birds Center is addressing people not to go there, but it doesn't work. 
The half visible island on the left side is Chikubu Island, the largest manned island. This island wouldn't be connected to the shore even if the water level drop down below the alert level. If that happened, that would be terrible, wouldn't it? 

It's a place we can't usually reach by walk, so everyone is enjoying there.
We shouldn't get too excited. Because it means a serious problem since Lake Biwa is dubbed as the "jar" that provides Japan's Kyoto, Osaka, and Kobe area with water.

Tundra Swans and Bean Goose (?) are swimming together. They seem not to care about each other.

A pleasure boat is sailing quite far away from Tundra Swan. It is bound for Takashima City located on the opposite side of Lake Biwa. 
Is it a mirage phenomenon?  I felt like as if the boat were above the water.

Black Kite resting on a branch.This wild bird is often seen in this area.

This Black Kite seems to be aiming for his prey.
