#Recently taken photos

 This morning, I took a picture of the flowers blooming at my house with my digital camera. After removing the SD card from the camera and copying the photo files to my desktop PC, I tried to take a photo again, but the camera suddenly stopped working.

I checked this SD card on PC, then I found that the SD card was corrupted, and this card no longer work. There seems to be a possibility that I didn't click "Safe Remove option" prior to ejecting the SD card. 

But fortunately, it seems that the photo files taken before today were saved.  

This SD card has a 1-year recovery guarantee, so I sent it to the manufacturer with the purchase receipt, warranty card, and package.

I thought it was important to save these documents in case of the trouble.

It's too late, but I'll finally get to the subject.

↓ A Nasturtium flower nibbled by an insect.

↓ This is a wild Lily that finally started blooming in mid-December.

↓ It's Zinnia, but flowers almost have finished blooming.
