Can we eat the mushroom named collared earthstar?

I happened to find collared earthstars in December along forest road in this forest.  

This is an old mushroom, but it holds the unique shape.
Although a collared earthstar and an earthstar are similar in name and shape, they are ecologically quite different. 

A collared earthstar is a saprophytic fungus and found in dead and fallen leaves in the forest.  On the other hand, an earthstar is an ectomycorrhizal fungus. It has a symbiotic relationship with fine roots of Pine trees and Quercus trees.

Collared earthstars were surrounded by fallen leaves like this.

Young mushrooms of an earthstar has been eaten not only in Japan but also in various places such as Thailand and Laos. In Thailand, canned boiled earthstars are sold.

However, it is not clear whether a young mushroom of collared earthstar is edible or not. No matter how much I've searched on the internet.

I think that it's probably not harmful but it doesn't taste good. If it was delicious, our ancestors would surely have eaten it.

This is a young mushroom of collared earthstar, but even at this stage, probably spores have  already formed inside, making it inedible. Therefore, it is necessary to look for more younger mushrooms.

By the way, it's easy to demonstrate that this mushroom is filled with spores. If you press a collared earthstar with a twig, spores will blow out like smoke.
Actually, spores are released little by little due to the hit by rain drops.
